On December 20, 2023, the State personal data protection agency 
under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic together with the International University “Ala-Too” conducted cyber training for state and municipal employees. The CyberPro project is implemented with the support of the British Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic and is aimed at raising awareness of civil servants about cyber threats and incidents related to the breach of personal data confidentiality. 

The training started with welcoming speeches of Almambet Kasymbekov, Acting Director of the State Agency for Personal Data Protection, and Jyldyzbek Zhakshylykov, Rector of MU “Ala-Too”. 

 Acting Director of the State Agency A. Kasymbekov in his speech spoke about the great usefulness of such events for state and municipal employees to improve their competencies in the era of rapid development of digital technologies and the importance of respecting data confidentiality, as well as answered questions on practical incidents, problems and solutions in the field of personal data protection. It was also explained what has been done by the State Agency and what measures are being taken to ensure that the rights of citizens are respected. 

In the first part of the event there was a plenary session, which raised topical issues on cybersecurity and national strategies. Also in this session, B. Eghamnazarov, an employee of the State Agency, told the participants about personal data leaks and measures to prevent them. 

The second part of the event kicked off the practical part of the Cyber Exercise - working on cases among the participants in teams. The teams were presented with a model scenario on personal data leakage issues, where they worked on finding solutions to the problem and innovative recommendations.