On 23 January 2024, a round table was held with the participation of representatives of the authorized personal data protection authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Russian Federation in videoconference mode.  

The topic of the round table was the discussion of the experience of forming and using the Registers of personal data controllers. In the Kyrgyz Republic it is the Register of personal data holders (holders) (https://dpa.gov.kg/register). The participants from the authorities of the mentioned countries spoke about their functions and powers, as well as about the experience in terms of registration of personal data processors and maintenance of the Registers.  

Almambet Kasymbekov, Acting Director of the State personal data protection agency 
under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, spoke about the Register in force in Kyrgyzstan, the process of its creation, the legislative norms for the establishment of the Register and the legal framework for the collection and processing of personal data by personal data holders.